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VOLA Media Library

From this page you have access to free download of high-resolution images of VOLA products.

Terms of use and copyrights

  • Permission for use of photographic imagery in this database is granted by VOLA A/S only under the following conditions:

  • Images are available for download and use by VOLA authorized dealers only. Webshops are not allowed to use our images.
    Use by others only upon prior written authorization by VOLA

    Images may not be copied, sold, distributed, made available or otherwise transferred without prior written consent by VOLA

  • Images may only be used for the promotion and sale of original VOLA products

  • Each use of the Images must be accompanied by the following credit line and notice:
    "Copyright VOLA A/S. Unauthorized use not permitted"

  • VOLA reserves the right to withdraw the permission for use of the Images at VOLA sole discretion. Upon receiving such notice all use of the Images shall cease immediately

  • VOLA is not liable for the use of the Images and the permission to use the Images is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose


Accept terms and go to gallery >>


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Dänisches Designerbe VOLA Erfahrung Versprechen für Langlebigkeit

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